Thnx DJ Cordell for the great set you spun today your the MAN! Great turn out @ the BBQ look for another RaZoR promtion coming Soon!
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On my way to get my car washed by the FV cheerleaders and BBQ with DJ Cordell spinning music from 12 to 4pm @ HB Ultimate's NEW gym location. Come out 25% RAzoR Clothing merchandise today!
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Jus got home from watchin "Takers" the movie. Layin in bed turned on SpIKE channel to watch KNOCKOUT WoRLD of Sports and saw one of my KING OF THE CAGE fights where I KO'd my opponet ;)
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So tomorrow @ the BBQ we will be raffling off this.....Razor Clothing tshirts, Personal Training session with ME and or Ben Moreland and more sweet stuff!!!
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Me & Bryce Krause my muay thai training partner and lil brother. Training @ HB Ultimate Training Center this morning. DON'T MISS the BBQ this saturday! FREE Food 12 to 4pm 19240 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach,CA 92648
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Chilln on the couch with my fam. Great day off went for a walk down the beach bbq'ed and went to the grocery store...Man I can't wait to hit the gym and Fight :)
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You wanna fight? We Want You! Fill out the application and get started. Click the link follow the fighter application profile section fill out and Train your Ass Off!!! THE WORLD IS YOURS TO TAKE...
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My son Cruz the baby model. After training one of my students whose an Orange County Sheriff @ HB Ultimate training center I took my family on a walk down the HB pier. Nice beach day today too!
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This mornings Strength Training consisted of 5 stations each one minute for 5 minutes with a 1 minute break, 3 times. Station#1 one arm dumbell snatches, #2 Turkish get ups with a kettle bell, #3 Tractor tire flip, #4 Sand Bag carry and toss, #5 Farmers
Carry. Then 1 minute rest repeated 3 times.
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A pic of my last fight...on date nite with my friends and other couples Randy,Jenn and Steve & Charlene and my wife. About to watch "The Switch" Movie.
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Don't miss the I.M.M.A.E this Saturday& Sunday 21st & 22nd @ the anaheim convention center. I'll be signing autographs with Body Wise & Razor Clothing as well as The Penthouse Pet Cover/Centerfold model May 09'...come down take pics look around buy shit..
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I'm just leaving HB Ultimate after training a few of my clients. I had a great strength& Conditioning training this morning. I'm looking forward to my next fight september 9th @ Tachi Palace Casino!
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Just got home and done with dinner from a long day of training for my next fight and teaching all day @ HB Ultimate Training Center. Come down and take a FREE kickboxing class. I teach Monday @ 5:15pm& 6:30pm ,Wednesday 5:15pm & Friday 5:15pm.
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