@goodguybri rolling under the instruction of Waldomiro Perez the gym's 6th degree black belt brazilian jiu jitsu instuctor.
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I'm getting a check up, he said I'm in great shape 4 my age..WTF!! My age..shit that's what you say 2 old people..fuuuuuuck
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I Ran & lifted weights @hbutc with @tikighosn and shot the shiot..now I'm drinkin sum water and then hittin the shower to go eat dinner N Laguna Beach wit my friends Raffy& Caroline...Married Life ;)
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My wife on the couch havin cereal wit our christmas tree..
Our friends Dennis and Staci got us some baby clothes 4 our son Cruz and I can't wait to dress my lil boy in them :)
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Went 2 the gym hung out wit the inlaws got a christmas tree decorated the tree and Now..watchin Chelsea Lately :) Nite Tweople!
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Its been 1 week since my fight so I figured its time 2 start training again. I hit the gym earlier then ate now I'm couch bound. Happy Turkey Day!
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airs on iBNSports.com for the web and The Fight Network for TV. We also send it to Fiveouncesofpain, promma, mmajacked, and 25 other affiliates
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Just got home from midnight grocery shopping..gettin ready 4 my "MMA HEAT " iBN sPorts interview tomorrow afternoon check it out!!
It airs on iBNSports.com for the web and The Fight Network for TV. We also send it to Five ounces of pain, promma, mmajacked, and 25 other affiliates.
Its airs monday after taping.
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I'm just pulling up to the gym now to workout..I ate bad yesterday and I'm having guilty feelings.
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In the back of the Fights with my boys Cbass & Mario.
Cbass is gettin wrapped and Mario is gettin ready 2 warm up.."Cage Conquest " in Montebello @ Quiet Canyon.
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I'm just chillin in the suite online by the fire about 2 watch a movie..
Its me and my boy mario..this is kinda gay...haha now that I wrote it out exactly what I was doin..sounds like a date..LOL
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I'm just chillin in the suite online by the fire about 2 watch a movie..
Its me and my boy mario..this is kinda gay...haha now that I wrote it out exactly what I was doin..sounds like a date..LOL
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